Today Megan and I celebrate our 8th wedding anniversary. I just wanted to take a moment and thank her for being a wonderful wife and mother. Without being sappy I wanted to thank her for all she has done for me and our family. Without her I would not be the person I am today. We have had a great eight years and I look forward to the many more years we have to spend together. I love you.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Today Megan and I celebrate our 8th wedding anniversary. I just wanted to take a moment and thank her for being a wonderful wife and mother. Without being sappy I wanted to thank her for all she has done for me and our family. Without her I would not be the person I am today. We have had a great eight years and I look forward to the many more years we have to spend together. I love you.
Posted by The Johnson's at 10:36 AM 11 comments
Friday, July 18, 2008
Boy meets concrete
So we were at the water park yesterday, and I barely get Hank's shirt off before he starts running to the sprinklers. He failed to correctly negotiate the steps and takes a dive. Luckily, his face broke the fall. I pick him up as he is hysterically sobbing, and try to get him settled down. It takes a few minutes, and as he is getting calmed down, I say to him, "Hank, you just have to slow down a bit," to which he started wailing all over again. I guess like the Boss, my boy was born to run.
Posted by The Johnson's at 11:02 AM 7 comments
Monday, July 7, 2008
Why I love my brother Simon:
- The way you sing “The Lord is my Light” like Mariah Carey.
- For being one of the few people brave enough to never compromise your personality and nice enough to never ask people to compromise theirs.
- For your love of all foods greasy, sticky, multi-colored, and age inappropriate. Is there anyone else past nine who could pound a box of Go-gurts?
- For the way you still look forward to finding a drum set under the Christmas tree.
- For being funny and kind simultaneously. Not many are talented enough to pull that off, including me.
- For your long Fast Sunday dinner prayers…I admit they drove me crazy at the time, but I love knowing that my baby brother prays for me.
- For not letting a falling piano keep you down. You took it like a man!
- You teach us by the things you do, not by the words you speak.
- For your cockney accent, missions from the Queen, and “A little bit of luck”.
- For giving your tips to Mom and Dad. You truly amaze me.
- For making Shane's introduction into our family unforgettable. (And thank you Shane, for marrying me anyway)
- For being the first one to forgive, always.
- For your millions of “Simonisms” including, “I hate the world”, “They can’t keep me from selling!”, “Sorry dad, I wasn’t really paying attention”, and of course, “Don’t mind if I do!”
- For taking all the trials except chubbiness.
- For apple juice and raw hot dogs. (Sorry Derek, for falling on that grenade)
- For bearing your testimony sincerely and frequently.
- For your absolute persistence and utter patience. If only you had been born first and wore Mom and Dad out before the rest of us showed up!
- For never allowing yourself to become victimized, no matter what. You have never begrudged your trials, you simply get through them quietly and honorably.
- For ding-dong non-ditching
- For your huge heart inside that skinny body.
- Your impersonation of raptors, Grandma, and the call of a cougar….freaking hilarious.
- For pursuing your music and the joy you take in it.
- For your love of the Savior and your fellow men.
Posted by The Johnson's at 3:31 PM 5 comments
Thursday, July 3, 2008
New Pics of Hank
I have been less than diligent in blogging lately, so will take a few moments to post some pictures of Hank (and thus appease his Nana).
This park also has an amazing giant red-flyer wagon slide that Hank had a blast on...he just couldn't understand what the other kids were doing on it....
Hank's new! He loves plodding along in other people's shoes. It's a way to constantly remind him that he is the first child and therefore holds all our overblown expectations in those big shoes he has to fill....
Here is Hank right before church on the morning of his first trip to nursery! If you weren't in the building or in a 5-mile radius and didn't get a chance hear his hysterically sobbing as they brought him back to me in Sunday School, then you missed out. My apologies to Bro. Linde, as I am sure it was a great lesson up to that point.
So Wednesday afternoon I was in the family room and things had gotten very quiet in Hank's room. I went to investigate and he wasn't there. I did a search of the house and found this: He had gotten into the garage, found his stroller, climbed in and fell asleep (or else passed out from heat exhaustion.) This is especially endearing to me, because my scrapbooks are filled with pictures of me at his age, dead asleep in the most random of places...The dream lives on!
BTW, we are not usually so ghetto...he was in his swimming trunks and no shirt because we were going to the water-park later that afternoon. Okay, we are that ghetto.Posted by The Johnson's at 4:13 PM 3 comments