Friday, July 18, 2008

Boy meets concrete

So we were at the water park yesterday, and I barely get Hank's shirt off before he starts running to the sprinklers. He failed to correctly negotiate the steps and takes a dive. Luckily, his face broke the fall. I pick him up as he is hysterically sobbing, and try to get him settled down. It takes a few minutes, and as he is getting calmed down, I say to him, "Hank, you just have to slow down a bit," to which he started wailing all over again. I guess like the Boss, my boy was born to run.


Alinde said...

Oh poor Hank! I feel so bad that he fell down and hurt his face, but he looks like he's no worse for the wear now. (SMILE) He's such a sweet boy!

Bethany said...

I dub him "Scarface". It's about time that boy got some street cred.

Anonymous said...

They say that girls love scars, but I have to say that Nana's don't! Poor little face. He does appear to have bounced back, however! Thank goodness for resilency (sp?)!

Anonymous said...

Ouch! That doesn't sound or look good, but he doesn't look so unhappy in the pictures. :)

Mine is the same.
His day is not complete if he doesn't have a scratch or a bump, and he hasn't even learned how to walk yet.

Then he goes to grandma and shows her the booboo, and he loves it when she comforts him.

Derek and Emily said...

Poor Hank! I don't think I've ever seen him walk, he is a running boy!

Karine said...

Hank, what really happened to your head? Do you need me to teach you how to dial C-P-S?
That is one sweet shiner! Sadly, Hank looks adorable even when he is covered in bruises! I wish I looked so cute when Corey beat me.(nervous laugh, nervous laugh)

fivekidsandsomechocolate said...

It gives him a very manly air...but ouch!