Through the ups...
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Snips and Snails...
Posted by The Johnson's at 11:07 AM 24 comments
Friday, June 12, 2009
All by my shelf
Posted by The Johnson's at 11:52 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
To Jess, on her Birthday
Happy Birthday my darling friend! I hope you have a great day, are spoiled rotten, and able to forget that we are now officially in a way less cool demographic.
This year is not only a big birthday, but also markes the 10 year anniversary of when you left Ricks and Heritage Manor, #108. In fact, when I think about it we only lived together for of 7% our lives, doesn't it seem like more?
All I know what that there was magic in those days, and a huge part of that was because of you. Lke the song says, "Beause I knew you, I have been changed for good". Without a doubt, I know that I am better because of you (even though you are without a doubt the worst cusser I have ever encountered). I love you so much, and value your friendship as one of the best blessings of my life. Have a great day, and a great year.
Posted by The Johnson's at 8:26 AM 16 comments
Friday, May 29, 2009
Catching Up...

Afterwards, we got to meet the conductor. I'm sure Hank thinks that is the best job in the world!

At last, Hollywood gets it right!
Posted by The Johnson's at 9:39 AM 5 comments
Saturday, May 9, 2009
The buzz cut has a long and prolific history. Here are some examples:
Now anyone who has seen my boy in action, knows that he is a sweater. Not a sweater, but a sweat-er. He sweats like a dyslexic on Countdown. You have never seen a child sweat like this before. So- after much discussion, we decided to give Hank his first real summer haircut. Prepare yourself.
Hank was actually pretty upset, and refuses to look at himself in the mirror, Shane keeps looking at him and saying "I dont like it, I just dont like it" and I cried.
Hair grows back, right?
Posted by The Johnson's at 9:36 PM 6 comments
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Catching Up...
So I haven't posted in a while, and to curb the wrath of Nana, here are some of the latest....

Hank's Big-Boy Bed:
Yes, we have made the change. Yes, I cried when we took down the crib. Yes, he thinks he is pretty hot stuff in his new bed.
Shane added the 2x4 after Hank fell out on night two. Now he rests with at least one eye closed (Chuck Norris style)
You will notice his sleeping companions, his Elmo cup and of course, Thomas the Freaking Train.
Where does he get those eye-lashes from?
And speaking of Thomas:
You will all be interested to know that Thomas the Freaking Train has now joined in our family prayers. We were sitting down for dinner, and in our family we hold hands when we pray at the table. So I grab Shane's hand, and he goes to grab Hank's, but Hank insists that Shane hold onto Thomas on one side and he hold onto the other. Yea, that prayer was a real spiritual experience. Do we seem like a family ready to be featured on Wife Swap?
This kid needs a sibling. Seriously.
Posted by The Johnson's at 7:51 PM 3 comments