Monday, February 25, 2008

Latest Pics...

Goofy Grins

Hank tries on Dad's sock just before spontaneously flash dancing to "What a Feeling"

Hank's new "man cave"

In honor of the Oscar's, Hank gives us his best Robert De Niro. I give own little Raging Bull


yennu said...

Hey Megan - What a cute little bull. Ava just said a few minutes ago as we were folding clothes, "Mom don't put me in this dryer I will die!" I'm glad I have never acutally threaten that punishment. Tag you're it. I was tagged twice, & now it's your turn. Take it or leave it. I won't pull at your heartstrings and tell you about the bad luck you will have if you don't do the tag and pass it on to 3 people!!

The Beagleys said...

Oh my gosh, that last picture kills me! You've really been working with him....he's got the Deniro down! ;)
I'm very impressed! He sure is a cutie Megan!

Anonymous said...

I miss you guys so much.
