So there I was blogging and stumbled upon some friends blogs from my home town of Moreno Valley. If I didn't feel all grown up before, seeing the girls I remember with husbands and three kids, just about made me grab some tapioca and call it a night at 7:30.
Do you ever have a most random dream about someone from High School that you never even remembered existed before they showed up in your REM cycle?
It's a reminder to me that they are still there. The whole dang breakfast club that you loved, despised, envied, avoided, admired, pined after, are all still there in your psyche and on your blog.
I have always said that I am glad that I moved away from Mo Val, never having to have an awkward conversation with someone from HS whose name I can't remember, asking me if I still love the Beatles and keep in contact with Traci (yes and heck yes).
But I admit that I actually clapped my hands with joy when I found Janea, who led me to Melissa and Ben. Those fellow freaks and geeks who didn't know me from work or a play date (sorry pete), they knew me when I was the McLaughlin girl with big hair who made up funny songs on the guitar and ruled girls camp with my Three-pac skits (get it? Like Tupac? Whatever, it was hilarious at the time).
Strange when the girl you were collides with who you are now. It makes me realize that when I left the old RC, I packed way too light. I took Traci and left everyone else. Lori Pitts, Graham Marsh, Julie Kaio, Ramon Trujillo, Edward Aquilo, Enrique whats-his-face, Meghann Pricer, Leann Purity, Alexis Blackstone... the list goes on. Awesome people who made high school bearable and to whom I owe gratitude.
Who knows? Maybe I show up in their dreams.